Monday, July 9, 2012

Good Morning!

It's Monday where I am, and the first day of Term 3 at Primary School for my 3 little people.
For me though it means the kick start of another term working from home, getting my creative juices going...

One huge part of Happiness Daily is about finding self-acceptance, realising the things you love to do, following your given path, being true to your source.  And that is not an easy thing to do!

Part of that journey of self-discovering is meditation.  Now that might mean spending a few minutes taking some deep inhalations and focusing on your breath, it might mean sitting in a park listening to the sounds around you in nature without thought, or it might even be you attending your local yoga centre and participating in a meditation class.

I have a great centre near me called Peace Yoga, they do a super relaxing mediation session and the teacher Doreen is so giving...  Have a look around your area, in fact let me know your favourite yoga centre, give them a shout out!

Whilst you are meditating it's a great chance to get to know yourself, relax and be mentally still.
A couple of times now I have participated in the 21 Day Meditation Challenge with The Chopra Centre and it is fantastic!  In fact there is another challenge starting on the 16th July 2012, why not pop over, register (it's free) and give it a go.

I would love to hear your comments along the way, and the results at the end for you.  If you have any questions please ask!

In the meantime, take so time today to sit quiet somewhere and simply breathe...


Sunday, July 8, 2012


This is the first post of many on Happiness Daily!

One of my often used sayings is/was 'that we only get to do this lifetime once' but after a while I realised that even I wasn't subscribing to this philosophy!  There was lots of whinging, lots of excuses, lots of plonking the problems into someone else's lap and lots and lots of talking about the stuff I didn't like/want/deserve!... until I was really sick one February.

My whole body had shut down... it always starts in the throat for me... don't say what I want to say, hold back... call it what you will.  Fever hit, cold shakes, basically fell apart.

I must confess I am not a GP fan and so my first port of call was my fantastic Acupuncturist (and he does magic!)  See the link on the left if you are on the Gold Coast - Matthew O'Hara.

Along with the treatment Matthew always has some words of wisdom and it was this visit in February that he handed me a CD with a recording of Abraham Hicks - Law of Attraction.

After my session I headed home, tail between my legs and CD player by the bed listened to his CD.  I must say it was almost instant, the penny dropped, the light went on, whatever analogy you want to use...

Since then life has not been perfect, I don't expect it to be, but it sure is a lot better than before, and I feel so much more in control of where I end up, how I feel and what I attract.

There is of course a little more in between now and listening to that CD a few February's ago... and that I what I want to share :)

I look forward to your feedback, your stories, your inspiration and interaction; most of all I look forward to sharing.

Namaste and happiness abound